So euery true crysten man sholde do As ferre as his power cometh vnto dd .ii. I Sapyence am of the kynges counsayll Whiche is clothed with purple that sygnyfyeth The grace and the pulcrytude without fayll Of grete vertues that in hym shyneth For to no vyces he neuer enclyneth Hauynge in his hede a fayre crowne royall That sheweth his dygnyte to be regall Whiche to his people is the chefe glory Thrugh whome his subgectes be dyrecte And made obedyent to hym certaynly At euery houre by ryght true effecte But forthermore by good aspecte He bereth a ball in his lefte hande The whiche betokeneth as I vnderstande A kynge to be a good admynystratour Vnto his subgectes in euery place And to be for theym a good prouysour