Wintry PeacockFrom "The New Decameron", Volume III.
he was perched on the back of a heavy arm-chair. So I concluded he was recovered, or recovering.     

       The next day was clear, and the snow had frozen, so I decided to carry him back to Tible. He consented, after various flappings, to sit in a big fish-bag with his battered head peeping out with wild uneasiness. And so I set off with him, slithering down into the valley, making good progress down in the pale shadows beside the rushing waters, then climbing painfully up the arrested white valley-side, plumed with clusters of young pine-trees, into the paler white radiance of the snowy upper regions,       where the wind cut fine. Joey seemed to watch all the time with wide, anxious, unseeing eyes, brilliant and inscrutable. As I drew near to Tible township, he stirred violently in the bag, though I do not know if he had recognised the place. Then, as I came to the sheds, he looked sharply from side to side, and stretched his neck out long. I was a little afraid of him. He gave a loud, vehement yell, opening his sinister beak, and I stood still, looking at him as he struggled in the bag, shaken myself by his struggles, yet not thinking to release him.     

       Mrs. Goyte came darting past the end of the house, her head sticking forward in sharp scrutiny. She saw me, and came forward.     

       “Have you got Joey?” she cried sharply, as if I were a thief.     

       I opened the bag, and he flopped out, flapping as if he hated the touch of the snow, now. She gathered him up and put her lips to his beak. She was flushed and handsome, her eyes bright, her hair slack, thick, but more witch-like than ever. She did not speak.     

       She had been followed by a grey-haired woman with a round, rather sallow face and a slightly hostile bearing.     

       “Did you bring him with you, then?” she asked sharply. I answered that I had rescued him the previous evening.     

       From the background slowly approached a slender man with a grey moustache and large patches on his trousers.     

       “You've got 'im back 'gain, Ah see,” he said to his daughter-in-law. His wife explained how I had found Joey.     

       “Ah,” went on the grey man. “It wor our Alfred scarred him off, back your       
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