Wintry PeacockFrom "The New Decameron", Volume III.
father-in-law said—and then to me: “'Er's not bin very bright sin' Alfred come whoam, an' the bod flyed awee. 'E come whoam a Wednesday night, Alfred did. But ay, you knowed, didna yer. Ay, 'e comed 'a Wednesday—an' I reckon there wor a bit of a to-do between 'em, worn't there, Maggie?”      

       He twinkled maliciously to his daughter-in-law, who was flushed brilliant and handsome.     

       “Oh, be quiet, father. You're wound up, by the sound of you,” she said to him, as if crossly. But she could never be cross with him.     

       “'Er's got 'er colour back this mornin',” continued the father-in-law slowly. “It's bin heavy weather wi' 'er this last two days. Ay—'er's bin north-east sin 'er seed you a Wednesday.”      

       “Father, do stop talking. You'd wear the leg off an iron pot. I can't think where you've found your tongue, all of a sudden,” said Maggie, with caressive sharpness.     

       “Ah've found it wheer I lost it. Aren't goin' ter come in an' sit thee down, Alfred?”      

       But Alfred turned and disappeared.     

       “'E's got th' monkey on 'is back, ower this letter job,” said the father secretly to me. “Mother 'er knows nowt about it. Lot o' tomfoolery, isn't it? Ay! What's good o' makin' a peck o' trouble ower what's far enough off, an' ned niver come no nigher. No—not a smite o' use. That's what I tell 'er. 'Er should ta'e no notice on't. Ay, what can y'expect.”      

       The mother came in again, and the talk became general. Maggie flashed her eyes at me from time to time, complacent and satisfied, moving among the men. I paid her little compliments, which she did not seem to hear. She attended to me with a kind of sinister, witch-like gracious-ness, her dark head ducked between her shoulders, at once humble and powerful. She was happy as a child attending to her father-in-law and to me. But there was something ominous between her eyebrows, as if a dark moth were settled there—and something ominous in her bent, hulking bearing.     

       She sat on a low stool by the fire, near her father-in-law. Her head was dropped, she seemed in a state of abstraction. From time to time she would suddenly recover, and look up at us, laughing and chatting. Then she would forget again. Yet in her hulked black 
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