A Poetical Cook-Book
the centre nearly through the puff paste; rub the top with yolk of egg, and bake it in a quick oven about twenty minutes, of a light-brown color when done; take out the paste inside the centre mark, preserving the top, put it on a dish in a warm place, and when wanted fill it with a white fricasee of chicken, rabbit, ragout of sweetbread, or any other entree you wish. Serve hot.




De Beringhen. In the next room there’s a delicious pâté, let’s discuss it.

Baradas. Pshaw! a man filled with a sublime ambition has no time to discuss your pâtés.

De Beringhen. Pshaw! and a man filled with as sublime a pâté has no time to discuss ambition. Gad, I have the best of it.

Bulwer’s Richelieu.

Beard a quart of fine oysters, strain the liquor and add them to it. Cut into thin slices the kidney-fat of a loin of veal; season them with white pepper, salt, mace, and grated lemon-peel; lay them on the bottom of a pie-dish, put in the oysters and liquor, with a little more seasoning; put over them the marrow of two bones. Lay a border of puff paste around the edge of the dish, cover it with paste, and bake it nearly three quarters of an hour.


Seducing young pâtés, as ever could cozen One out of one’s appetite, down by the dozen. Moore.


Cut the crumb of a loaf of bread into square or round pieces, nearly three inches high, and cut bits[63] the same width for tops. Mark them neatly with a knife; fry the bread of a light-brown color in clarified beef-dripping or fine lard; scoop out the inside crumb; take care not to go too near the bottom; fill them with mince-meat prepared as for patties, with stewed oysters or with sausage meat; put on the tops, and serve them on a napkin.



Where so ready all nature its cookery yields, Macaroni au Parmesan grows in the fields. Moore.


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