A Poetical Cook-Book
Lay fried bread pretty closely round a dish; boil your macaroni in the usual way, and pour it into the dish; smooth it all over, and strew breadcrumbs on it, then a pretty thick layer of grated Parmesan cheese; drop a little melted butter on it, and put it in the oven to brown.


What will not Luxury taste? Earth, sea and air Are daily ransacked for the bill of fare. Gay.


The truffle, like the mushroom, is a species of fungus, common in France and Italy; it is generally about eight to ten inches below the surface[64] of the ground. As it imparts a most delicious flavor, it is much used in cookery.


Being dug out of the earth, it requires a great deal of washing and brushing. It loses much of its flavor when dried.


Muse, sing the man that did to Paris go, That he might taste their soups and mushrooms know. King.


Take a pint of white stock; season it with salt, pepper, and a little lemon pickle, thicken it with a bit of butter rolled in flour; clean and peel the mushrooms, sprinkle them with a very little salt, boil them for three minutes; put them into the gravy when it is hot, and stew them for fifteen minutes.





If you please, I’ll taste your tempting toasted cheese, Broiled ham, and nice mushroom’d ketchup.

If you please,

If you love good ketchup, gentle reader, make it yourself, after the following directions, and you will have a delicious relish for made dishes, ragouts, soup, sauces, or hashes. Mushroom gravy approaches the nature and flavor of made gravy, more than any vegetable juice, and is the superlative substitute for it; in meagre soups and extempore gravies, the chemistry of the kitchen has yet contrived to agreeably awaken the 
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