thunder rolls bellowing by us; and deep blazing wreaths of lightning are glaring, and hurricanes whirl the dust; and blasts of all the winds are leaping forth, showing one against the other a strife of conflict gusts; and the firmament is embroiled with the deep.82 Such is this onslaught that is clearly coming upon me from Jove, a cause for terror. O dread majesty of my mother Earth, O ether that diffusest thy common light, thou beholdest the wrongs I suffer. Pr. 54 54 THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES. The siege of the city of Thebes, and the description of the seven champions of the Theban and Argive armies, The deaths of the brothers Polynices and Eteocles, the mournings over them, by their sisters Antigone and Ismene, and the public refusal of burial to the ashes of Polynices, against which Antigone boldly protests, conclude the play. PERSONS REPRESENTED. Eteocles. Eteocles. Ismene. Ismene. A Messenger. A Messenger. Antigone. Antigone. Chorus of Theban Virgins. Chorus of Theban Virgins. A Herald. A Herald. Scene. The Acropolis of Thebes.—Compare v. 227, ed. Blomf.