Three Unpublished Poems
With its enchanted mesh

When he his nectar and ambrosia took

To strengthen and refresh.

Long may he live to use the life

The hidden goddess gave,

To keep unspotted to the end

The gentle, just, and brave.

Louisa M. Alcott.

Before closing, another unpublished poem is added to the foregoing ones. It was written by Louise Chandler Moulton upon hearing of the death of Louisa Alcott, and is in the Fruitlands collection.

 Louisa M. Alcott


As the wind at play with a spark

Of fire that glows through the night;

As the speed of the soaring lark

That wings to the sky his flight—

So swiftly thy soul has sped

In its upward wonderful way,

Like the lark when the dawn is red,

In search of the shining day.

Thou art not with the frozen dead

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