Three Unpublished Poems
That the autumn of life more golden may be

For the heats and the storms that have been.

My heritage none can ever dispute,

My fortune will bring neither strife nor care;

'Tis an honest name, 'tis a beautiful life,

And the silver lock of my father's hair.

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PICTURE OF "FRUITLANDS"  The old house where Bronson Alcott and the English Mystics tried to found a community somewhat after the order of Brook Farm in 1843. Emerson backed the scheme. The house is open to the public Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons during the summer.


[A] This was true of him in his early youth.


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In high Olympus' sacred shade

A gift Minerva wrought

For her beloved philosopher

Immersed in deepest thought.

A shield to guard his aged breast

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