Negro Migration during the War
registering the largest net gain of negroes in 1910 from this interstate movement was the west south central division (Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas) which showed a gain from this source of 194,658. The middle Atlantic division came second with a gain of 186,384, and the east north central third with a gain of 119,649. On the other hand, the south Atlantic States showed a loss of 392,827, and the east south central States a loss of 200,876 from interstate migration. While the negroes have shown this marked inclination toward interstate movement, they nevertheless exhibit this tendency in less degree than do the whites.

The subjoined tables show the intersectional migration of the negro population:


(Number Born in Specified Divisions and Living In or Out of These Divisions)
| Division            | Total Born in | Number Living:   | Per Cent Living |
|                     | the Division  | Within Division  | Without the Division in Which Born |
| United States       | 9,746,043     | 8,782,890        | 963,153         | 9.9             |
| New England         | 37,799        | 30,815           | 6,984           | 18.5            |
| Middle Atlantic     | 212,145       | 189,962          | 22,183          | 10.5            |
| East North Central  | 173,226       | 145,187          | 28,039          | 16.2            |
| West North Central  | 198,116       | 162,054          | 36,062          | 18.2            |
| South Atlantic      | 4,487,313     | 4,039,173        | 448,140         | 10.0            |
| East South Central  | 2,844,598     | 2,491,607        | 352,991         | 12.4            |
| West South Central  | 1,777,242     | 1,713,888        | 63,354          | 3.6             |
| Mountain            | 7,342         | 4,122            | 3,220           | 43.9            |
| Pacific             | 8,262         | 6,082            | 2,180           | 26.4            |

(Number Living in Specified Divisions)
| Division            | Total Living in the Division | Number Born in and Living in the Division | Number Living in Division |
|                     |                            | the Division | Born in Other Divisions |                    |
| United States       | 9,746,043                  | 8,782,890    | 963,153                 | 9.9                |
| New England         | 58,109                     | 30,815       | 27,294                  | 47.0               |
| Middle Atlantic     | 398,529                    | 189,962      | 208,567                 | 52.3               |

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