52 52 No more the trades of lute and lance are linked, Though doubtless under many martial bonnets Brave heads there be that harbour the distinct Belief that they can manufacture sonnets; But on the other hand a bard is not Supposed to run the risk of being shot. Then since your courage lacks a crucial test, And politics were never your profession, Dear Mr. Watson, won’t you find it best To temper valour with a due discretion? That so, despite the fond Spectator’s booming, Above your brow the bays may yet be blooming. 53 III. ENGLAND’S ALFRED ABROAD. [M. Alfred Austin, poète-lauréat d’Angleterre, vient d’arriver à Nice, où il a devancé la Reine. Il était, hier, dans les jardins de Monte-Carlo. Sera-ce sous notre ciel qu’il écrira son premier poème?––Menton-Mondain.] Wrong? are they wrong? Of course they are, I venture to reply; For I bore ‘my first’ (and, I hope, my worst)