The Battle of the Bays


No more the trades of lute and lance are linked,

Though doubtless under many martial bonnets

Brave heads there be that harbour the distinct

Belief that they can manufacture sonnets;

But on the other hand a bard is not

Supposed to run the risk of being shot.

Then since your courage lacks a crucial test,

And politics were never your profession,

Dear Mr. Watson, won’t you find it best

To temper valour with a due discretion?

That so, despite the fond Spectator’s booming,

Above your brow the bays may yet be blooming.



[M. Alfred Austin, poète-lauréat d’Angleterre, vient d’arriver à Nice, où il a devancé la Reine. Il était, hier, dans les jardins de Monte-Carlo. Sera-ce sous notre ciel qu’il écrira son premier poème?––Menton-Mondain.]

Wrong? are they wrong? Of course they are,

I venture to reply;

For I bore ‘my first’ (and, I hope, my worst)

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