Obvious facts embalmed in rime. Poems that we have to ponder Turn us prematurely gray; We are infinitely fonder Of the simple, heartfelt lay. Turn us prematurely gray; Of the simple, heartfelt lay. Whitman’s Leaves of Grass is odious, Browning’s Ring and Book a bore. Bleat, O bards, in lines melodious,— Bleat that two and two is four! Browning’s Ring and Book a bore. Bleat that two and two is four! Must we hunt for hidden treasures? Nay! We want the heartfelt straight. Minstrel, sing, in obvious measures— Sing that four and four is eight! Nay! We want the heartfelt straight. Sing that four and four is eight! Whitman leads to easy slumbers, Browning makes us hunt the hay. Pipe, ye potes, in simplest numbers, Anything ye have to say. Browning makes us hunt the hay. Anything ye have to say. [Pg 54] [Pg 54] Q·HORATIVS·FLACCUS B· L· T·SVO·SALVTEM HAEC·CARMINA·MI·VETVLE·QVAE ME·IVVENE·PARVM·DILIGENTER COMPOSITA·EXCIDERVNT·SENEX REFICIENDA·LIMANDAQVE·IAM DVDVM·EXISTIMO·QVOD·NVNC DEMVM·FACTVM·EST·MIRARIS FORTASSE·CVR·ANGLICE·RE SCRIPSERIM·DESINES·MIRARI CVM·DIXERO·SINE·FVCO·OPOR TERE·POETA·ETIAM·VIVVS·NON SOLVM·ACCOMMODEM·MEA·OPERA AD·NORMAM·RECENTIORVM·TEM PORVM·SED·ETIAM·VTAR·NEMPE EA·LINGVA·QVAE·MAIORE·RE SILIENDI·VT·ITA·DICAM·VI PRAEDITA·VIDEATVR·VELIM SINT·NOVI·VERSVS·TIBI·MVL TO·IVCVNDIORES·QVAM·PRIS CA·EXEMPLA SCRIBEBAM·HELNGON XVII·KAL·DEC