Page. O dear me! boys that go to school learn psalms; Cas. Well, leave me; I'm weary. Page. Indeed, my lord, I can't abide to leave you. Cas. Why, wert thou instructed to attend me? Page. No, no, indeed, my lord, I was not. Cas. What dost thou know?——'Sdeath! what can all this mean? Page. Oh! I know who loves somebody. Cas. What's that to me, boy? Page. Nay, I know who loves you too. Cas. That's a wonder! pr'ythee, tell it me. Page. 'Tis—'tis—I know who—but will Cas. I will, my child. Page. It is my lady Monimia, look you; but don't you tell her I Cas. Talk'd she of me when in her bed, Cordelio? Page. Yes; and I sung her the song you made too; and she did Cas. Hark! what's that noise? [ex. Page. [knocks. [knocks. Flo. [at the window] Who's there,