Cas. 'Tis I. Flo. Who are you? what's your name? Cas. Suppose the lord Castalio. Flo. I know you not. Cas. Ha! have a care! what can this mean? Flo. Whoe'er you are, you may repent this outrage: Cas. She must! tell her, she shall; go, I'm in haste, Flo. Sure the man's mad! Cas. Or this will make me so. Flo. My lady's answer is, you may depart. Cas. I'll not believe't. Flo. You may, sir. Cas. Curses blast thee! Flo. Well, 'tis a fine cool ev'ning! and I hope Cas. And farewell all that's just in woman! [lies down. Ern. Either Cas. Who's there? Ern. Castalio!—My lord, why in this posture, Cas. Oh, leave me to my folly.