Ern. I can't leave you, Cas. Thou canst not serve me. Ern. Why? Cas. Because my thoughts Ern. I hate the sex. Cas. Then I'm thy friend, Ernesto! [rises. [exeunt. ACT THE FOURTH. SCENE I. A CHAMBER. A CHAMBER. Cas. Wish'd morning's come! And now upon the plains, Mon. I come! Cas. Oh—— Mon. Art thou not well, Castalio? Come, lean Cas. 'Tis here—'tis in my head—'tis in my heart— Mon. You shall not fear't; indeed, my nature's easy: Cas. Nay, you shall not, madam; Mon. Oh, kill me here, or tell me my offence Cas. Away!——Last night! last night!——