Dec. Cato, the world talks loudly of your wisdom—— Cato. Nay, more, though Cato's voice was ne'er employ'd Dec. A style like this becomes a conqueror. Cato. Decius, a style like this becomes a Roman. Dec. What is a Roman, that is Cæsar's foe? Cato. Greater than Cæsar: he's a friend to virtue. Dec. Consider, Cato, you're in Utica, Cato. Let him consider that, who drives us hither. Dec. Does Cato send this answer back to Cæsar, Cato. His cares for me are insolent and vain: Dec. Your high, unconquer'd heart makes you forget [Exit Decius Sem. Cato, we thank thee. Luc. The senate owns its gratitude to Cato, Sem. Sempronius gives no thanks on this account. Cato. Come; no more, Sempronius; Sem. Cato, my resentments Cato. Fathers, 'tis time you come to a resolve. Luc. Cato, we all go in to your opinion;