The police officers and witnesses were there discussing the murder.

"Come in."[Pg 71]

[Pg 71]

And he went. Touched his cap, then took it off, and spoke:

"Woman outside, sir—been waitin' long time."


"I spoke to her—asked who she was waitin' for."


"Said for Depew—George Depew."

The plain clothes officer was on his feet in a moment inquiring:

"Where is she?"

"On the pier."

"I'll go and see her; come, point her out to me."

They left the cabin. The tall, gaunt woman was standing where the sailor had left her. Thanking the man, the officer went towards her.

"They tell me," he said pleasantly, "that you are waiting for a passenger."


"Perhaps you did not see him land."

"I never took my eyes off the gangway."

"Then you think he is aboard."

"I understood the man to say there were one or two passengers there still."

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