The detective suppressed a smile at the grim humor of the sailor's remark. They were there still—very still.[Pg 72]

[Pg 72]

"What is the name of the person you were expecting to meet?"

Again there was a slight hesitation before the woman spoke. Then she said:



"Yes. Then he is aboard?"


Then something dawned on, some fear seized the woman. It was in a trembling voice that she inquired:

"You, you are not wearing the ship's uniform. You—you are a policeman?"

"That's so."

"My God! I see. I see why he has not landed. It's all found out—he's in custody."

The detective twiddled the ends of a moustache he had under cultivation.

The case had looked complicated—and he liked complications—indeed, got a living out of them. But this latest phase of the business looked like the envelopment of the puzzle in another one.

"Tell me," she said, "is he aboard?"


"Let me see him."

"Come this way."

She came.[Pg 73]

[Pg 73]

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