Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III
Enter hastily Pascual with a drawn sword.


 Pas. This way I heard the cries. How now! What's this? Hell and furies! A chaste and lovely maid Attacked by dusky ruffians! Halt! Forbear! For, by my soul, I swear I will not leave One black hide whole among ye, an ye dare To touch a single hair of her fair head. Gip. Q. Disarm that vain and too hot-headed youth. 


Gip. Q.

[Gipsies surround Pascual, who defends himself desperately, killing and wounding some of the nearest. Gipsies back a few paces. Pascual follows, and cuts through them.

437 Unto him, cowards! Seize the presumptuous fool. Hear ye not, slaves? What! Is a single arm, And that, too, of a pampered gentleman, Too much for ye? Shame on ye, cowards, slaves! First Gipsy. Yield, fellow! and put up thy silly skewer, An thou be not a-weary of thy life. Pas. Never! Whilst yet a drop of my heart's blood Flows freely in my veins. By heaven, I swear I will release yon damsel ere I die! Second Gipsy. Why, who is this, though clad in costly gear, Doth fight as desperately as one of us? Third Gipsy. Beware, young man! We do not seek thy life; Yield up thyself. Ask pardon of our queen, And we will let thee live. Pas. (Still fighting.)      Base curs, avaunt! My life is nothing. Take it an ye list, Though ye shall buy it dearly. 'Twill console My parting spirit somewhat but to know That it hath rid the surface of the earth Of even a few of such vile scum as ye. First Gipsy. Such words to us! Have at thee then, proud youth. 


First Gipsy.


Second Gipsy.

Third Gipsy.


Base curs, avaunt!

First Gipsy.

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