Tales of the Wonder Club, Volume III
[Wounds Pascual on the head, whilst others attempt to bind him, but he liberates himself and continues fighting.

438 Inez. He bleeds! he bleeds! Saints, help the noble youth Who, at the cost of his young precious life, Would save us both. I fear he's killed. Oh, help!      [Screams and faints. Gip. Q. Hush! minion, or that cry will be thy last. A Wounded Gipsy. Look, she faints! Another Gipsy. Bah! 'tis but a trick to 'scape The easier in the confusion. Look well to her. Gip. Q. Make room for me, ye slaves. I fear no mortal man. Leave him to me. Sirrah! put down your sword. Pas. Never, vile crone. Gip. Q. (Disarming him with her staff.) Then there it lies, thou vain, presumptuous youth.



[Screams and faints.

Gip. Q.

A Wounded Gipsy.

Another Gipsy.

Bah! 'tis but a trick to 'scape

Gip. Q.

Make room for me, ye slaves.


Never, vile crone.

Gip. Q.

[Murmurs of applause among the gipsies.

 Pas. Disarmed! And by a woman! Ha! I faint.      [Staggers and falls. Gip. Q. He faints from loss of blood. Bind up his wounds. He hath fought well. I tell ye, dusky slaves, This youth to-day hath put ye all to shame. Do him no hurt. I e'er respect the brave. He in a sacred cause fought valiantly; And, faithful to his generous Christian creed, Did seek to wrest the innocent from wrong. First Gipsy. Thou wert not wont to praise 
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