The Bride of Lammermoor
this tragic tale which we have rehearsed, we will, at the risk of being tedious, insert some short specimens of Mr. Symson’s composition. It is entitled: 

 “A Funeral Elegie, occasioned by the sad and much lamented death of that worthily respected, and very much accomplished gentleman, David Dunbar, younger, of Baldoon, only son and apparent heir to the right worshipful Sir David Dunbar of Baldoon, Knight Baronet. He departed this life on March 28, 1682, having received a bruise by a fall, as he was riding the day preceding betwixt Leith and Holyrood House; and was honourably interred in the Abbey Church of Holyrood House, on April 4, 1682.” 

 Men might, and very justly too, conclude Me guilty of the worst ingratitude, Should I be silent, or should I forbear At this sad accident to shed a tear; A tear! said I? ah! that’s a petit thing, A very lean, slight, slender offering, Too mean, I’m sure, for me, wherewith t’attend The unexpected funeral of my friend: A glass of briny tears charged up to th’ brim. Would be too few for me to shed for him. 

 The poet proceeds to state his intimacy with the deceased, and the constancy of the young man’s attendance on public worship, which was regular, and had such effect upon two or three other that were influenced by his example: 

 So that my Muse ’gainst Priscian avers, He, only he, were my parishioners; Yea, and my only hearers. 

 He then describes the deceased in person and manners, from which it appears that more accomplishments were expected in the composition of a fine gentleman in ancient than modern times: 

 His body, though not very large or tall, Was sprightly, active, yea and strong withal. His constitution was, if right I’ve guess’d, Blood mixt with choler, said to be the best. In’s gesture, converse, speech, discourse, attire, He practis’d that which wise men still admire, Commend, and recommend. What’s that? you’ll say. ’Tis this: he ever choos’d the middle way ’Twixt both th’ extremes. Amost in ev’ry thing He did the like, ’tis worth our noticing: Sparing, yet not a niggard; liberal, And yet not lavish or a prodigal, As knowing when to spend and when to spare; And that’s a lesson which not many are Acquainted with. He bashful was, yet daring When he saw cause, and yet therein not sparing; Familiar, yet not common, for he knew To condescend, and keep his distance too. He us’d, and that most commonly, to go On foot; I wish that he had still done so. Th’ affairs of court were unto him well known; And yet meanwhile he slighted not his own. He knew full well how to behave at court, And yet but seldom 
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