The Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage
commissions him to lead forth the people—The humility of Moses—His staff converted into a living serpent—The leprous hand—Moses hesitates—The Lord rebukes him, and the flame in the bush shoots fiery tongues—Aaron to be the mouth-piece of the Lord—Miraculously advised, Aaron comes to Moses—Moses converts his staff into a serpent, before Aaron—He obtains the consent of Jethro to his departure from Midian—Moses in Egypt—Sends messengers to summon the elders of Israel to meet him at Jacob's well—Pharaoh's cruel designs against the Hebrews—pp. 491-503.


Midnight meeting of the elders of Israel—Jacob's well a source of superstitious dread to the Egyptians—Beautiful moonlight scene—Moses opens his errand from the Most High—Aaron unfolds the traditional promises—Unbelieving Hebrews—Terrible means used for their conviction—Korah persists in unbelief—His punishment and horror—The assembly dissolves—pp. 504-508.


Moses goes before Pharaoh—Amazement of the Egyptian courtiers—Harshness of Pharaoh—Moses delivers God's message—Pharaoh defies the Living God—He is overcome by his emotion, but hardens his heart—New toils devised for the Hebrews—pp. 509-513.


The rod! the whip! the cry of the sufferers!—The Hebrews reproach Moses and Aaron—Moses appeals to the Lord—Seeks to comfort his brethren with the words of the Most High—Hope dies in their hearts—Pharaoh redoubles his worship of all manner of idols—He curses God—Sacrifices a living Hebrew child to the Nile—Sacrifices a Nubian slave to Typhon—Invokes his idol-god against the God of Moses—A secret dread—Children of Israel groan under oppression—pp. 514-522.


Moses and Aaron again seek Pharaoh, and demand the freedom of Israel—He requires a miracle—Miracle of Moses' rod—Jambres and Jannes, the magicians—They convert their rods into serpents—Moses' serpent destroys theirs—The brothers confront the King at the river's side—He defies their God—The Nile runs blood—Goshen, the land of the Hebrews, sparkles with clear water—Jambres again appealed to—The plague of the frogs—Jambres and Jannes produce, but cannot remove them—Pharaoh relents, and the plague is stayed—The plague of lice—Jambres and Jannes disgraced—God speaks to Moses by the well of Jacob—The plague of flies—Pharaoh again relents—He hardens his heart, and God sends a pestilence upon the cattle—God again speaks to Moses beside the well—The plague of boils—Goshen 
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