The Pillar of Fire; or, Israel in Bondage
unharmed—God threatens further vengeance upon Pharaoh—pp. 523-538.


Moses denounces the plague of thunder and hail against Egypt—Grand gathering of the storm of God's anger—The storm hangs over Goshen but harms it not—The purpose of God in these judgments—Terror of Pharaoh—Agrees to let Israel go—Scene of desolation and death—Pharaoh seeks to drown his terror in a banquet—In his revels curses God—Again refuses to let the people go—He vacillates—Orders Moses and Aaron to be thrust from the palace—The plague of the locusts—Despair of the Egyptians—Pharaoh acknowledges his sin—The plague ceases—Character of Pharaoh—The plague of darkness—Description of the plague—Pharaoh unequal to the combat with God—His rage against Moses—Moses denounces upon Pharaoh God's last and terrible judgment—The Egyptians deify him—pp. 539-558.


Moses and Aaron call the elders of Israel together—The Passover Instituted—The Hebrews cease work—They all flock to Goshen—Moses deified by priests in the temples—Hopefulness of the Hebrews—The sprinkling—Egyptians seek refuge with the Hebrews—Silence of expectation—Awful vision of the Angel of the Lord in the Pillar of Fire—A cry from Egypt—Messengers from Pharaoh to Moses—Amunophis, the son of Pharaoh, slain by the Angel of the Lord—Egyptians implore Moses to depart—Israel marshalled—Guided by the Pillar of Fire, the Hebrew host leave Egypt—The Lamb of God prefigured—Moses explains the lessons of God's judgments—pp. 559-575.


The departure—Sarcophagus containing the embalmed body of Joseph—The Shekinah—Succoth—Etham—Pi-hahiroth—Migdol—Hebrews inclosed between the mountains and the sea—Calm confidence of Moses—Fulfilment of prophecy—Pharaoh determines to destroy the entangled Hebrews—Gathers a mighty host and follows in pursuit—Dismay of the Hebrews—The Egyptian army comes in sight—The elders reproach Moses—He calls upon God—The Voice of the Lord—The Pillar of Cloud and the Pillar of Fire—The sea—Israel in the midst of the sea—The procession—The pursuit—Frantic terror of Pharaoh and his army—Their destruction—Israel filled with awe and gratitude—They go into the wilderness—The bitter waters—Journey abounding in miracles—The rock in Horeb—God's awful presence on Horeb—Moses disappears in the mount of God—The people murmur—They demand a god—They sacrifice to a molten calf—An indignant God!—Terrible vengeance upon the offenders—Joshua—pp. 576-596.


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