stopped to pick up something on the carpet. "Ooo, Sol! Look! A Jupiter diamond!" She held up the largest and most expensive diamond I have ever seen. I was just going to claim credit for this little gift when another appeared, and another, and a long line marching over the carpet like an ant trail. They came floating in under the door. Now love is for vacations, and between my own sweet Florence and a diamond mine there is no comparison. I put on my dicyanin glasses and saw the baby diver was back and at work teleporting. I said so, but this time there were no hysterics from Florence. "I was just thinking of him," she said, "and wishing you had brought me a Jupiter diamond instead." "Well, honey, it looks as if you've got both." I watched her scrambling on the carpet, gathering handfuls of diamonds and not in the least interested in me. On Antimony IX, the little divers switched from one space-time point to another simultaneously, and the baby diver had come back from the Solar Party Convention the same way. I thought of it and it came; Florence had just thought of it and here it was. But now it seemed to be flitting lightly from Earth to Jupiter and back with diamonds, so perhaps there was no interplanetary distance to a mind. This had a future. I could see myself with a winter and a summer planet of my own, even happily paying Earth, Solar and Galactic taxes. "Well, honey, don't you worry," I said. "You don't like divers, so I'll take it back and give you something else. Just leave it to Sol." "Take your foot off that diamond, Sol Jones! You gave me this dear little diver and he's mine!" She sat back on her heels and thought. The evidence of her thinking immediately came trickling through the door—Venusian opals set in a gold bracelet half a pound heavy, Martian sleeze furs, spider-web stockings, platinum belts. The room was beginning to look like a video fashion center, a Galactic merchandise mart. And after Florence put on a coat and opened the door, her ideas began to get bigger. "This is fun!" she cried, teleporting like mad. "Why, I can have anything in the Galaxy just by thinking about it!"