his boat and went down with it.” “Isn’t it supposed to have gone down somewhere off Ka Lae, Dad?” “That’s right. But there’s a lot of ocean off the southern tip of the Island of Hawaii.” Biff was frowning with concentration. “Ka Lae,” he said. “Those are the two words Tokawto mumbled to us this morning.” “And that’s where we’re going,” his father said. “You think Dr. Weber is being held somewhere near there, while somebody tries to locate the sunken sloop?” “I’m sure of it now, Biff.” “Who do you think his abductors might be, Dad?” Thomas Brewster looked at Hank Mahenili. “Any doubt in your mind, Hank?” “Not one bit,” the Hawaiian answered, shaking his head. “Perez Soto.” “He’ll make contact with us again,” Biff’s father said. “He doesn’t know exactly what is in this letter Biff found. His message—the one written on that mirror, is telling me that if we want to see Dr. Weber alive again, then I’ll have to tell him where the cesium strike is located.” “And that information is at the bottom of the sea,” Biff said soberly. “Yes,” Mr. Brewster said. “We’ve got to do everything we can to try and spot that sunken sloop. Dr. Weber’s life depends on it.” CHAPTER XI Wharf Rats CHAPTER XI Biff’s father had concluded his conversation. “Now you all know as much as I do. Now we move into action. Biff, you and Li will be our ground forces. Li’s father and I will take over the naval side.” “You mean we’re not going to the Big Island with you?” Biff was dismayed. “No, Biff. I want you and Li to roam about Hana. You both had a good look at Perez Soto. I’m sure you could describe him. Make a few inquiries. See if anyone of his description has been in Hana recently. Hana is a very big