Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery
place. I’m sure he was here yesterday—probably met with Tokawto, to Tokawto’s misfortune.”

“We’ll check on him, too. We’ll stop by the police station,” Biff replied.

“Hank,” Mr. Brewster went on, “our job is to rent a boat. A yawl, about thirty feet. Biff and I can sail, and I’m sure you and Li have handled boats all your lives. I don’t want a captain or a crew. Just a boat. Think we can rent one here?”

“I’m positive we can, Tom.”

“All right then. Boys, you start your investigation. You’re pretty good at it. But be careful. Meet us back here in time for lunch. I hope we can sail tonight.”

Biff and Li went to their room and changed into shorts. Then they went out to explore Hana.

The mid-morning sun was bright. The sky was clear. It was a beautiful day on the Island of Maui. The boys covered the small business section, stopping in a few stores, and asking if anyone had seen a man answering to the description of Perez Soto. They were becoming discouraged as noon approached.

“Let’s go to the police station, Li. See how Tokawto’s condition is,” Biff suggested.

They learned that the wounded man was still much the same. It would be a close thing if he lived.

Leaving the police station, Biff had an idea. “Look, Li,” he said, frowning. “We’re going about this thing all wrong. If Perez Soto kidnaped Dr. Weber and took him to Hawaii, he’d have to have a boat, wouldn’t he?”

“Sure, Biff, sure.”

“Then let’s head for the docks and find out if anyone looking like Perez Soto has rented a boat in the last week or so.”

“Good idea, Biff.”

They headed for the waterfront. Suddenly Biff turned to his friend.

“Don’t look back, Li,” he muttered, “but I think we’re being followed. Just walk along as we’re doing now. When we get to the middle of the next block, you leave me. We’ll shake hands, then you cross the street. Go into one of the stores. Find a place where you can see out but can’t be seen from the street. Keep a sharp lookout.”

Li’s face showed his excitement. “I get you, Biff. You want me to see if someone keeps on following you.”

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