The Spanish Tragedie
    But welcome are to you the best we haue. Now let vs in, that you may be dispatcht; I think our councell is already set. Exeunt omnes.                  [CHORUS.]    ANDREA. Come we for this from depth of vnder ground,—     To see him feast that gaue me my deaths wound? These pleasant sights are sorrow to my soule:     nothing but league and loue and banqueting! REUENGE. Be still, Andrea; ere we go from hence, Ile turne their freendship into fell despight, Their loue to mortall hate, their day to night, Their hope into dispaire, their peace in warre, Their ioyes to paine, their blisse to miserie. 


       ACTUS SECUNDUS.     


       [ACT II. SCENE 1.]     

                 [The DUKE's castle.]                  Enter LORENZO and BALTHAZAR. LORENZO. My lord, though Bel-imperia seeme thus coy, Let reason holde you in your wonted ioy:     In time the sauage bull sustaines the yoake, In time all haggard hawkes will stoope to lure, In time small wedges cleaue the hardest oake, In time the [hardest] flint is pearst with softest shower; And she in time will fall from her disdaine, And rue the sufferance of your freendly paine. BAL. No; she is wilder, and more hard withall, Then beast or bird, or tree or stony wall! But wherefore blot I Bel-imperias name? It is my fault, not she that merits blame. My feature is not to content her sight; My wordes are rude and worke her no delight; The lines I send her are but harsh and ill, Such as doe drop from Pan and Marsias quill; My presents are not of sufficient cost; And, being worthles, all my labours lost. Yet might she loue me for my valiancie. I; but thats slandred by captiuitie. Yet might she loue me to content her sire. I; but her reason masters [her] desire. Yet might she loue me as her brothers freend. I; but her hopes aime at some other end. Yet might she loue me to vpreare her state. I; but perhaps she [loues] some nobler mate. Yet might she loue me as her beauties thrall. I; but I feare she cannot loue at all. LOR. My lord, for my sake leaue these extasies, And doubt not but weele finde some remedie. Some cause there is that lets you not be loued:     First that must needs be knowne, and then remoued. What if my sister loue some other knight? BAL. My sommers day will turne to winters night. LOR. I haue already founde a strategeme To sound the bottome of this doubtfull theame. My 
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