The Gods of Mars
sultry August evening when old Ben, my body servant, handed me a telegram. Tearing it open I read: 

 ‘Meet me to-morrow hotel Raleigh Richmond. 


 Early the next morning I took the first train for Richmond and within two hours was being ushered into the room occupied by John Carter. 

 As I entered he rose to greet me, his old-time cordial smile of welcome lighting his handsome face. Apparently he had not aged a minute, but was still the straight, clean-limbed fighting-man of thirty. His keen grey eyes were undimmed, and the only lines upon his face were the lines of iron character and determination that always had been there since first I remembered him, nearly thirty-five years before. 

 “Well, nephew,” he greeted me, “do you feel as though you were seeing a ghost, or suffering from the effects of too many of Uncle Ben’s juleps?” 

 “Juleps, I reckon,” I replied, “for I certainly feel mighty good; but maybe it’s just the sight of you again that affects me. You have been back to Mars? Tell me. And Dejah Thoris? You found her well and awaiting you?” 

 “Yes, I have been to Barsoom again, and—but it’s a long story, too long to tell in the limited time I have before I must return. I have learned the secret, nephew, and I may traverse the trackless void at my will, coming and going between the countless planets as I list; but my heart is always in Barsoom, and while it is there in the keeping of my Martian Princess, I doubt that I shall ever again leave the dying world that is my life. 

 “I have come now because my affection for you prompted me to see you once more before you pass over for ever into that other life that I shall never know, and which though I have died thrice and shall die again to-night, as you know death, I am as unable to fathom as are you. 

 “Even the wise and mysterious therns of Barsoom, that ancient cult which for countless ages has been credited with holding the secret of life and death in their impregnable fastnesses upon the hither slopes of the Mountains of Otz, are as ignorant as we. I have proved it, though I near lost my life in the doing of it; but you shall read it all in the notes I have been making during the last three months that I have been back upon Earth.” 

 He patted a swelling portfolio that lay on the table at his elbow. 

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