“Come long to penitentiary!” he gubble, making dragging movements with my wrists. “Hara kiri!” I yall, and before he could be more abominable I give him jiu jitsu and knock him over a bargain. Then I commence eloping away with talented foot-steps. “Stop Mr. Thief!” several human persons holla, and nextly I knew I were a runaway with56 Boston attempting to catch up. I am a very sly Japanese, Mr. Editor, and when I was sufficiently entangled amidst streets I redoubled on myself and escape away to other sections of Boston where crimes was not noticed. 2 complete hour of time I hid there amongst flats. Then I emerge forth and catch redheaded trolley so I should meet Hon. Mrs. at Porterhouse Junction. 56 “Why you not stay all day?” she require sarcastly. “Should gladly do so, but Hon. Police prevent,” I advocate. “You got my handbag where was?” “Yes, please!” I gave it forth to her. She look at it with disjointed eyes. “Living sakes!!!” This from her. She enjoy deep gasp and faint off. By slight water-sip I revive her back. “Damaged remnant of heathenish immigration!” she gollup, holding forth Hon. Bag. “Where you snatch this article of luggage?” “Off from Hon. Pin-Counter,” I say so. “I never seen it before. It belong to someone else!” Thusly revolving she fainted out again. So I left her to enjoy it by herself and sklunk away feeling entirely impossible. Hoping you are the same, Yours truly, Hashimura Togo. Yours truly, Hashimura Togo