Aesop, in Rhyme Old Friends in a New Dress
     It might be from Sparta, from Athens, or Rome;

     It matters not which, but agreed, it is said,

     Should danger arise, to lend each other aid.

     But scarce was this done, when forth rushing amain,

     Sprung a bear from a wood tow'rds these travellers twain;

     Then one of our heroes, with courage immense,

     Climb'd into a tree, and there found his defence.

     The other fell flat to the earth with dread,

     When the bear came and smelt him, and thought he was dead;

     So not liking the carcase, away trotted he,

     When straight our brave hero descended the tree.

     Then, said he, "I can't think what the bear could propose,

     When so close to your ear, he presented his nose."

     "Why this," said the other, "he told me to do,

     To beware for the future of cowards like you."

     Those people who run from their friends in distress,

     Will be left when


     are in trouble, I guess.

      A Bull

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