Cupid's Almanac and Guide to Hearticulture for This Year and Next
   This is a very treacherous month for the Gardener. Perhaps the most characteristic April flower is the April Hope Plant (

    Anchoria Sanguinia

   ), whose delicate leaves begin to show early in the month. Though one of the most fragile of plants in appearance, it is possessed of extraordinary vitality. Were it not for this, it would soon fall a prey to a capricious but rapacious weed known as the

    April-foolia-Flirtatia Mittifolia

   , so called from its mitten-shaped leaves. This curious plant when in full bloom shows a heart-shaped flower, so inviting in appearance that unwary people are seized with an irresistible desire to pluck it. Instead of the anticipated pleasure, however, they receive a sharp, stinging sensation, not unlike that of a nettle. As with the Nettle, too, if the flower be firmly grasped and crushed in the hand, the sting will be deadened. This plant should be avoided by inexperienced gardeners. It is believed by some that the sting caused by the

    Flirtatia Mittifolia

   may be cured by crushing another flower of the species and applying it to the wound as a counter irritant. Another and more reliable cure is a plant called


   , which blooms in May. The seed of this beautiful flower may be sown in the middle of April, in sheltered places. The constant care and attention which it requires will be amply rewarded by the beauty and fragrance of its blossom, which appears with the first May sunshine. The seed should be kept always on hand, as it can, with attention, be grown at any time, and has a wonderfully stimulating effect upon its admirers.

   Jiltia Mittifolia



   Some of the failures with this plant have been heartbreaking.

   Dopia Tipfoolia


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