Cupid's Almanac and Guide to Hearticulture for This Year and Next

     A trailer. Considered unlucky to pick them. Of all the blooming things, these are the most discouraging. From the many descriptions of this plant it seems a sort of Horse Chestnut. Its color and form are bad. Enthusiasts have been known to watch for results for years without one plant showing. Related to the Hope Plant.


    'Tis spring!" he cried, as a tender spray

    Put out its buds on the first of


   The Gardener now begins to reap the reward of his toil of the past few weeks. With the bright blossoms of the Hope Vines and the Newflamea Plant, the Garden already presents a lively appearance.

   A Spring variety of the Aspiration Vine (

    Aspira Poetica

   ) is also in bloom, and fills the air with an indescribable fragrance. It is not in any way related to the common or garden Asparagus, as the name might suggest. The

    Aspira Poetica

   is a capricious plant, however, and few can bring it to perfection; for those who are unsuccessful in its cultivation a substitute may be found in the familiar Quotation Plant (

    Bartlettia Familiaris

   ). This, while lacking the freshness of its Sister Plant, is a showy and reliable Bloomer all the year round. It is a hardy flower; any one can raise it, care only being required in selection from many varieties.

   Young gardeners should be cautioned against a too great display of these plants, as some varieties contain a powerful narcotic, which often causes people to lose consciousness, while in the very act of admiring their beauty.

   Requires a good deal of attention, but is usually a very satisfactory plant to cultivate.

   The national flower of Italy.

    A host of flowers of every hue

    Began to bloom on the first of

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