The Bad Boy At Home And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885
clene and wite as new milk, and all Hay-dies culdnt find a flaw in the platform on wich we stand." Just then I guess the devil muster taken excepshuns to the remarks, cos I'd pulled the rope wot I'd fixed to the loose leg of the platform, and the hull bisness toppled over the speekers and vice preserdents of the meetin, presentin a free accrobatic tumblin show to the amused and interested audiense. All the peepel wot was present and seen the platform give way are feelin blu and superstishus, cos there frade the Devil's in leegue with the Demmercrazey, and I guess there bout rite; aint they, Mr. Diry?

   Mr. Diry, at this ritin, I guess you're safe in hangin out the hemale chickin, cos all the reports from this city are givin Mr. Gil-ley a 'normous vote, and you bet this devil is feelin proud, cos didnt he nommernate the Guvner? And bout tomprro nite the hull Statel kno that he lected him, too.

   I was kep orful busy this mornin till all our repeeters had scored there votes. Them Republercan fellers is orful trickey, and I had to do sum tall flyin round wile I was watchin them, so as they wuldnt steel our repeeters, wot we'd imported a purpose from Jursey and Fillydeify, and mak em vote in a nother preecinct for there ticket. They call that kinder business equalizin, but, in this case, it didnt equalize wurth a cent, cos I told them all that they warnted to keep there eyes on them fellers wot clamed they was Republercans, cos they was Pinky-ton's detecktives in disguise tryin to hatch up a case of illegal votin agen them. That scared em off, so they each took there 2 dollars and skipped over to Jersey Citty.

   Soon as I got 'em safely off, I seen the Rerpublicans was gettin ahed of us, so me and Jimmy went down to the offis, and borrered the scientific editturs 'lectric pen, and rote bout 10,000 notes, addressin them to all the dudes whose names is in the di-recktary. Then Jimmy went out and got a lot of other messenger boys to take em round.

   In less than half a hour the stretes of New York and Brooklyn was crowded with dudes (reel live dudes, livelier than they was ever known before), peddlin Demmercratick tickets round, and visertin all the taylors, and barbers, and thretnin to withdraw there custom if they didn't vote the strate Demmercratick ticket, and elecshunaire for Mr. Gilley.

   I guess I'll have to be round tomorro nite, cos there'll be sum fun, wen Lillyun cums out the stage dore cos every dude in New York has got a note wot red like this:

   Then I 
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