The Bad Boy At Home And His Experiences In Trying To Become An Editor - 1885
my nurves. Jimmy and I hav jest got in Mr. Diry, and I think paraders are wonderin wot struck em by this time.

   Bout half past seven, the torch lite perrsesshun got together, at Cooper institute, and began the march up town to Uniyun square were the liars was to hold forth. There was a norful lot in the persesshun, and sum of 'em had banners, with a pole cat eatin a rooster. I got indignunt, cos they was ntirely too fresh, so me & Jimmy run on ahed of em, and sprinkled the strete with torpedoes wot we bort a purpose.

   You'd dide to seen em marchin rite on to 'em, singing out "Down with Gilley and the wiskey suckin demmercrazey." Soon as they stepped on sum torpedoes, they didn't wate for marchin orders. Cos there was a norful noise, like the demmycrazey was in leegue with the subterrainon bosses, and they was celebratin there indypendense day.

   I was sorry to see them disband, cos they looked sorter purty, and the band wot they had in the persesshun maid things lively.

   They had a big platform erected wot was meant for the big guns of the partie, to fire off lies and ellyquense from, soon as the persesshun arrived, so me and Jimmie run up there and wated til the crowd wot had got dermoreylized arrove, and the speekin begun. The fust speeker wot held forth, was a clerickel-lookin cus, wot peared to be only bout twenty-one years old. He give a long descriptshun of wot him and his partie, had done for the country durin the late unplessantness, when the oppersishun candydate, Mr. Gilley, was to hum, busy weerin out his pettycotes. This made me madder'an durnashun, cos I knowd the feller wos lying a reglar baldhedded lie, cos if Mr. Gilley wos weerin pettycotes wen the war brok out, his pa and ma orter kep on lettin him be a gal, and then, p'raps, his hare wuldn't all fell out. The peeple didnt pare to xhibit much inthusyism over the fellers remarks, cos he haled from out in Oio, and citizens out in such far away and semiuncivylized states, aint sposed to kno as much as us New Yorkers enyway. A nuther feller got up and sed: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the eve of a grate eleckshun. Tomorrer us free men'll go up to the poles and deposit our ballots inter the box, and thus signify our choice of rulers. Every one present knoes the disgraceful condishun of the New York Demmycrazey. Its platform is rotten in every plank. Its leeder Mr. Gilley is the dubble-extract of rottinness, and the hull rank and file of the party is in a fit state to be condemned by the fresh meet inspector. How is the Republican party? Its swete and pure as a new-born baby. Its leeder is as 
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