Le Mort d'Arthur: Volume 2
         CHAPTER X. How Sir Urre came into Arthur's court for to be healed of his wounds, and how King Arthur would begin to handle him

         CHAPTER XI. How King Arthur handled Sir Urre, and after him many other knights of the Round Table

         CHAPTER XII. How Sir Launcelot was commanded by Arthur to handle his wounds, and anon he was all whole, and how they thanked God

         CHAPTER XIII. How there was a party made of an hundred knights against an hundred knights, and of other matters

         BOOK XX.

         CHAPTER I. How Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred were busy upon Sir Gawaine for to disclose the love between Sir Launcelot and Queen Guenever

         CHAPTER II. How Sir Agravaine disclosed their love to King Arthur, and how King Arthur gave them licence to take him

         CHAPTER III. How Sir Launcelot was espied in the queen's chamber, and how Sir Agravaine and Sir Mordred came with twelve knights to slay him

         CHAPTER IV. How Sir Launcelot slew Sir Colgrevance, and armed him in his harness, and after slew Sir Agravaine, and twelve of his fellows

         CHAPTER V. How Sir Launcelot came to Sir Bors, and told him how he had sped, and in what adventure he had been, and how he had escaped

         CHAPTER VI. Of the counsel and advice that was taken by Sir Launcelot and his friends for to save the queen

         CHAPTER VII. How Sir Mordred rode hastily to the king, to tell him of the affray and death of Sir Agravaine and the other knights

         CHAPTER VIII. How Sir Launcelot and his kinsmen rescued the queen from the fire, and how he slew many knights

         CHAPTER IX. Of the sorrow and lamentation of King Arthur for the death of his nephews and other good knights, and also for the queen, his wife

         CHAPTER X. How King Arthur at the request of Sir Gawaine concluded to make war against Sir Launcelot, and laid siege to his castle called Joyous Gard

         CHAPTER XI. Of the communication between King Arthur and Sir Launcelot, and how King Arthur reproved him.

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