The Flame Messenger: King of Supernatural Powers
The Flame Messenger: King of Supernatural Powers


Brutols' favorite food is barbecue. Whether it’s Korean barbecue, paper-wrapped barbecue, or the most ordinary grilled lamb skewers, Brutols loves them all. He often grills meat at home as it’s a bit more economical. However, Brutols' method of barbecuing is quite different from others. His method is extremely budget-friendly and low-cost because he is a — fire elemental power wielder!

Chapter 1: Traveling Through Time While Eating Barbecue (1)

Brutols' favorite food is barbecue. Whether it’s Korean barbecue, paper-wrapped barbecue, or the simplest grilled lamb skewers, Brutols loves them all. He often grills meat at home as it’s more economical. However, Brutols' method of barbecuing is quite different from others. His method is extremely budget-friendly and low-cost because he is a — fire elemental power wielder!

Yes, in this world there exist legendary superpowers, and Brutols is one of those people with such abilities. But unlike other members of supernatural organizations, Brutols mostly uses his fire abilities to grill meat! Whenever he lights a fire to cook, Brutols uses his own flames, making it both eco-friendly and energy-saving — truly a win-win situation. However, ordinary cooking methods are still somewhat cumbersome for Brutols, so he sticks to the simplest barbecue and saves on oil, as well as money. As he grills meat more frequently, Brutols has honed some skills, and his colleagues in the supernatural organization frequently praise him, saying he's becoming quite the renowned chef.

But Brutols knows that animals in this world are not born for the sake of being eaten by humans. This is why Brutols very much dislikes eating regular beef and lamb, considering these animals to be innocent and pitiable if they were simply eaten like that. Thus, Brutols often chooses to hunt in deep mountains and forests, simultaneously honing his survival skills in the wild. Each time, Brutols hunts some very unusual beasts — like tigers — and once even returned with two wild boars. His greatest hunting achievement was catching two grizzly bears. These two bears, seeing Brutols enjoying instant noodles, went berserk as they'd never seen such a delicious treat before, deciding to have Brutols and the noodles for dinner.

Of course, Brutols ended up turning them into his own meal. Although these bears were quite large, Brutols consumed a lot of energy taking them down, so he ate them completely. The taste wasn't great, but it was certainly better than being eaten by them. Any meat obtained legitimately, Brutols eats entirely so as not to waste it. This time going hunting, Brutols was already very experienced, having perfected his skills through practice. He even pre-scouted which animals might a
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