Bloodthirsty Divinity
ollowed Yingrou. As we walked, she explained the world to me. It comprised several sects—Ghost King Sect, Twilight Sect, Phantom Sect, and Red Lotus Sect. Above them was an imperial capital that ruled the world, and a prestigious academy called Heaven’s Path Institute that accepted talented individuals under twenty-eight.

Yingrou detailed, “The Ghost King Sect has several divisions: Assassination, Intelligence, Punishment, and Expedition. There’s also a mysterious unit with only eighteen members, known to be highly exceptional.”

Handing a token with the word “Ghost” engraved on it to a portly man, she said, “Uncle Chen, this new disciple, Ba Qiyun, is to join the Assassination Division.”

The man’s eyes lit up as he examined the token and then looked at me. I promptly greeted him, “Uncle Chen, thank you for your trouble.”

Laughing, Uncle Chen replied to Yingrou, “Yingrou, it’s been a while since you visited Uncle Chen. I missed you. This time, you’ve brought another promising talent.”

Yingrou smiled, “Uncle Chen, my grandfather brought him from Beast Mountain and asked me to register him in the Assassination Division. Train him well, so our sect can boast another outstanding member later.”

“Of course, Yingrou. You know I will. Now, let me register him and report to your father. Everyone you’ve brought us has achieved great things.”

Turning to me, she advised, “Qiyun, train hard. The Dark Division is dangerous, and you need strength to survive.”

Seeing she was close to my age, I smiled, “Thank you, Miss Yingrou. I will do my best for the Ghost King Sect.”

She smiled and left. Uncle Chen tossed me a small booklet, “These are the rules of the Dark Division. Breaking them has dire consequences.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

Leading me away, I wondered why we were not entering from the front.

Seemingly reading my mind, Uncle Chen explained, “The front is a façade. The real Dark Division is hidden. Without secrecy, it wouldn’t be called the Dark Division.”

I chuckled, “You’re right, Uncle Chen.”

He then placed an energy token into a slot, revealing a magnificent palace with the words "Dark Division" prominently inscribed.

Handing me a badge, Uncle Chen said, “Go on in. Show this badge, and you’ll be guided. I’m going back to sleep.”

Taking the badge, I walked in. A few people glanced at me but went about their business. Taking a few more steps, a burly man stopped me, glaring, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”

Quickly showing the badge, I announced, “Yingrou brought me here for the Dark Division.” Examining the badge, the man’s murderous aura faded. 

“You’re new? Have you read the rules?” he asked.

“I haven’t had the chance yet,” I admitted.

“Follow me to test your strength,” he directed.

Following him to a bare stone room with a t
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