Ivanhoe: A Romance
he speedily discovers that what is obvious, graceful, and natural, has
been exhausted; and, in order to obtain the indispensable charm of
novelty, he is forced upon caricature, and, to avoid being trite, must
become extravagant.

It is not, perhaps, necessary to enumerate so many reasons why the
author of the Scottish Novels, as they were then exclusively termed,
should be desirous to make an experiment on a subject purely English.
It was his purpose, at the same time, to have rendered the experiment
as complete as possible, by bringing the intended work before the
public as the effort of a new candidate for their favour, in order that
no degree of prejudice, whether favourable or the reverse, might attach
to it, as a new production of the Author of Waverley; but this
intention was afterwards departed from, for reasons to be hereafter

The period of the narrative adopted was the reign of Richard I., not
only as abounding with characters whose very names were sure to attract
general attention, but as affording a striking contrast betwixt the
Saxons, by whom the soil was cultivated, and the Normans, who still
reigned in it as conquerors, reluctant to mix with the vanquished, or
acknowledge themselves of the same stock.

The idea of this contrast was taken from the ingenious and unfortunate
Logan’s tragedy of Runnamede, in which, about the same period of history,
the author had seen the Saxon and Norman barons opposed to each other on different sides of the stage. He does not recollect that there was any attempt to contrast the two races in their habits and sentiments; and indeed it was obvious,
that history was violated by introducing the Saxons still existing as a
high-minded and martial race of nobles.

They did, however, survive as a people, and some of the ancient Saxon
families possessed wealth and power, although they were exceptions to
the humble condition of the race in general. It seemed to the author,
that the existence of the two races in the same country, the vanquished
distinguished by their plain, homely, blunt manners, and the free
spirit infused by their ancient institutions and laws; the victors, by
the high spirit of military fame, personal adventure, and whatever
could distinguish them as the Flower of Chivalry, might, intermixed
with other characters belonging to the same time and country, interest
the reader by the contrast, if the author should not fail on his 
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