Books in Detective
The Secret Adversary
Two young adventurers uncover a sinister political conspiracy in post-World War I Britain
Fiction   4.1M reading
Spy hunts mole within the Circus intelligence agency
Love Story   1.7M reading
File No. 113
Bank clerk embezzles funds, leaves numeric clue, investigator solves case
Mystery   968.5K reading
A Mysterious Disappearance
London detective uncovers truth behind woman's sudden vanishing act
Fiction   929.9K reading
The Adventures of Jimmie Dale
Master criminal and high society man balances dual life in early 20th-century New York
Fiction   782.9K reading
Love and hatred
Exploring the fine line between deep affection and intense animosity
Love Story   613.9K reading
At the Villa Rose
Mystery novel with a detective unraveling a murder at a French villa
Fiction   414.1K reading
Crime and Punishment
Struggling student commits murder, faces psychological torment and redemption
Fiction   377.9K reading
The Crime Club
A collection of detectives solving perplexing mysteries and crimes
Fiction   354.9K reading
The Malefactor
Ex-convict seeks revenge, faces moral dilemmas, changes outlook on life
Fiction   144.3K reading
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