Le Mort d'Arthur: Volume 2
         CHAPTER XII. How the cousins and kinsmen of Sir Launcelot excited him to go out to battle, and how they made them ready

         CHAPTER XIII. How Sir Gawaine jousted and smote down Sir Lionel, and how Sir Launcelot horsed King Arthur

         CHAPTER XIV. How the Pope sent down his bulls to make peace, and how Sir Launcelot brought the queen to King Arthur

         CHAPTER XV. Of the deliverance of the queen to the king by Sir Launcelot, and what language Sir Gawaine had to Sir Launcelot

         CHAPTER XVI. Of the communication between Sir Gawaine and Sir Launcelot, with much other language

         CHAPTER XVII. How Sir Launcelot departed from the king and from Joyous Gard over seaward, and what knights went with him

         CHAPTER XVIII. How Sir Launcelot passed over the sea, and how he made great lords of the knights that went with him

         CHAPTER XIX. How King Arthur and Sir Gawaine made a great host ready to go over sea to make war on Sir Launcelot

         CHAPTER XX. What message Sir Gawaine sent to Sir Launcelot; and how King Arthur laid siege to Benwick, and other matters

         CHAPTER XXI. How Sir Launcelot and Sir Gawaine did battle together, and how Sir Gawaine was overthrown and hurt

         CHAPTER XXII. Of the sorrow that King Arthur made for the war, and of another battle where also Sir Gawaine had the worse

         BOOK XXI.

         CHAPTER I. How Sir Mordred presumed and took on him to be King of England, and would have married the queen, his father's wife

         CHAPTER II. How after that King Arthur had tidings, he returned and came to Dover, where Sir Mordred met him to let his landing; and of the death of

         CHAPTER III. How after, Sir Gawaine's ghost appeared to King Arthur, and warned him that he should not fight that day

         CHAPTER IV. How by misadventure of an adder the battle began, where Mordred was slain, and Arthur hurt to the death

         CHAPTER V. How King Arthur commanded to cast his sword Excalibur into the water, and 
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